Maulidur Rasul Celebration

A two-in-one event in conjunction with Maulidur Rasul which comprised of Religious talk and Dikir was held at Pusat Tingkatan Enam Tutong's Main Hall in the afternoon. The attendants include the Principal officers, lecturers, staffs and students.

The ceremony started with a mass recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah led by the Peer Guiders' head of Religious unit followed by an opening speech by the Principal, Sir Hadion Lim Beng Guan. The event continued with a talk delivered by the invited speaker from the Islamic Dakwah Centre, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ustaz Hj Mohd Amin bin Hj Md Yassin. The atmosphere was enlivened by a Dikir performance by the Student councils Dikir Group which followed suit.

The main objectives of the event was to honor and appreciate the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) being the last Prophet of Islam while boosting the iman of the muslim audiences.